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PUBLIC MARKS from srcmax with tags lang:en & "gaza sderot"

17 November 2008

11 November 2008

If You Can’t Beat Them, Join Them! : All My Faves | Blog

If you are a peace seeker, these videos are simply a must. If peace isn’t part of your vocabulary, please step out of this blog. PEACE, SHALOM, SALAAM!

09 November 2008

06 November 2008

Gaza - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Gaza Sderot - Life in Spite of Everything ( 2008)

05 November 2008

Israel-Palestine: Life on the border | Center for Investigative Reporting

An extraordinary series of short videos were launched onto the web last week revealing, side by side, glimpses into the life of Israelis and Palestinians living within twenty miles of one another. The series, Gaza: Sderot: Life In Spite of Everything features new films daily from the Palestinian territory of Gaza and the Israeli town of Sderot, just over the border. Each two-minute film in the series (in Hebrew and Arabic, with English subtitles) features profiles of residents who, despite being the target of bombings and rocket attacks, "never stop working, loving and dreaming," in the words of the filmmakers.

04 November 2008

02 November 2008 Blog » Blog Archive » Gaza/Sderot: Life in Spite of Everything is currently producing a fascinating web documentary Gaza/Sderot: Life in Spite of Everything. Every day during its running time, two short (a couple minutes each) videos are added to the site - one shot in the Palestinian city of Gaza, the other in the neighboring Israeli town of Sderot, just across the border. The videos are presented in an innovative format, side by side, separated by the “/” representing the border between the two cities. Context is key here: to watch one video without the other would be to miss the bigger picture.

31 October 2008

29 October 2008

28 October 2008 internetissä. Don Edkins 27.10.08 |

by 1 other
Today the first documentary commissioned for the internet by Arte France starts its broadcast. GAZA SDEROT – Life in spite of everything is an experimental 60 day interactive project designed the interactive production company and produced in Paris by a French documentary production company Bo Travail!, together with Arte France and its web team.

MYBLOG by Ouriel: Gaza/Sderot: A stunning web documentary one tough reality

This summer i met the team behind Gaza/Sderot a gorgeous documentary packaged in a gorgeous web site made for the web only and distributed on the web only. This web document (i hesitate using the expression work of art) is produced the French/Geman TV channel Arte and is about showcasing everyday a 2min video on the parallel reality lived by Gaza and Sderot Citizens.